Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Apoc prep pt1

So starting off a campaign with a great set of guys for the next year. So we are starting off wth a apoc game, 4 players, 2 teams, 4,000 points each 
I'm taking white scars to the fun 

Here's my list: 

+Gladius Strike Force (Space Marines: Codex v2008) (2010pts) ++
Rules: Codex Astartes, Combat Docrines, Company Support

+ Core (1360pts) +

Formation: Battle Company (Free Transports) (1250pts)
Battle Demi-Company 1 (645pts)
Rules: Objective Secured, Tactical Flexibility

Captain (125pts)

Iron Halo, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag and KrakGrenades, Power Weapon

Tactical Squad (100pts)
1x Meltagun

Razorback - Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

Tactical Squad (100pts)
1x Meltagun

Razorback - Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

Tactical Squad (100pts)
1x Meltagun

Razorback - Twin-Linked Assault Cannon


Assault Squad (80pts)
- 2 flamers

Devestator Squad (140pts)

2x Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp

Space Marine Sergeant with Signum

Battle Demi-Company 2 (625pts)


Chaplain (90pts)


Tactical Squad (105pts)
1x Plasma Gun
Razorback - Twin-Linked Assault Cannon 

Tactical Squad (105pts)
1x Plasma Gun
Razorback - Twin-Linked Lascannon

Tactical Squad (105pts)
1x Plasma Gun
Razorback - Twin-Linked Lascannon


Assault Squad (80pts)
- 2 flamers

Devestator Squad (140pts)

2x Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp

Space Marine Sergeant with Signum

+ Command (460pts) +

Librarius Conclave (460pts)
Rules: Empyric Channelling
Librarian (110pts) 

Psychic Hood, Psyker Level 2, Space Marine Bike

Librarian 2 (110pts) 

Psychic Hood, Psyker Level 2, Space Marine Bike

Librarian 3 (110pts) 

Psychic Hood, Psyker Level 2, Space Marine Bike

Librarian 4 (65pts) 

Psychic Hood, Psyker Level 1

Librarian 5 (65pts) 

Psychic Hood, Psyker Level 1

+ Auxiliary (295pts) +

Formation: Anti-Air Defense Force (295pts)
1x Hunters (70pts)
3x Stalkers (225pts)

Lightening Section +

++ SM WS Scarblade Strike Force (Space Marines: Codex v2008) (964pts) ++
Rules: Combat Docrines, Lightning Assault, Maximum Impact, Ride the Wind

+ Core (834pts) +

Formation: Hunting Force (824pts)

Chaplain (130pts) Rosarius, Chapter Relic (WS): The Hunter's Eye, Space Marine Bike
Kor'Sarro Khan (150pts) Bolt Pistol, Chapter Relic: Moondrakkan, Chapter Relic: Moonfang, Frag and KrakGrenades, Iron Halo

Command Squad (200pts)
Apothecary -  Narthecium

4x Grav guns

Attack Bike Squad (50pts)

Multi melta

Bike Squad (125pts)


2x Bikers

2x Meltaguns


Bike Squad (125pts)


2x Bikers

2x Meltaguns


Bike Squad (125pts)


2x Bikers

2x Meltaguns


Scout Bike Squad (54pts)

2x Bikers

+ Auxiliary (140pts) +

Formation: Stormbringer Squadron (150pts)
Land Speeders (55pts) – multi melta

Scout Squad (95pts)

Land Speeder Storm

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Space Marines: Codex v2008) (990pts) ++
Rules: Combat Docrines, Ideal Mission Commander, Ideal Mission Commander, Objective Secured (Troops)

+ No Force Org Slot +

········Chapter Tactics [White Scars]
········Rules: Born in the Saddle, Fight on the Move, Hit and Run

+ HQ (65pts) +

Techmarine (65pts) 


+ Troops (110pts)


Scout Squad (55pts)

5x Scouts


Scout Squad (55pts)

5x Scouts


+ Fast Attack (300pts) +

Storm Eagle Assault Gunship (300pts) 

Twin-Linked Lascannon, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta, Vengeance Launcher

+ Heavy Support (515pts) +

Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer (130pts) 

Fire Raptor Gunship (225pts) [Four Stormstrike Missles, Twin-linked Avenger Bolt Cannon, Two Twin-Linked Autocannons]

Relic Whirlwind Scorpius (160pts) [Legacy: Battle of Keylek (35pts), Scorpius Multi-launcher, Searchlight and Smoke Launchers, Storm Bolter] 

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