Thursday, 22 June 2017

Scenery Workshop Part 1

Started to revamp some of my scenery as the gaming table is getting a bit bland

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Tau Part2

Fully painted for 8th has started and now it's time for me to get my painting brushes out and attack the tau army I've had sprue grey for too long

Starting off with the big robot side of the army and a couple storm surges, 4 riptides, 3 suits and a couple ghost keels
Following the painting style I've test on a broadside,

Quite looking forward to this project

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Hobby progress 13th June 2017

Starting to get back in the swing of things now we have finally gone through the made process of buying an apartment

So more stuff for my tau army
Starting my second ghost keel

Thursday, 8 June 2017

XX project update 35

Not much to report after the game day as it's been mostly clearing up the alpha legion project and getting it ready for spraying

They and me are heading to England today for the hand over and I will be picking up the rest of my T'au army
I've been watching a lot of 8th reports on youtubes where ever I can find them and I have to say so far Table Top Tactics are putting out the the best ones
Slightly rose tinted view as I pay for the yearly on demand with them but I truly believe they are the best at what the do
Now on to more list hammer 🔨

Monday, 5 June 2017

Game day 5th June 2017 + lists

I'm really happy with 8th and yes I admit I was wrong to be worried, but wasn't everyone? At some point?

Played two games today against two good people

First game my marines and a balanced list, I actually took a whirlwind, can't remember the last time I did that. Went against a deep strike heavy blood angels
Went right down to the last shot of the game where he killed my last remaining scout holding the objective in his deployment zone
- game was secure and control mission -

Here's my marines

Second game was a little better and a solid win for the eldar against a good strong ad mech list
It was just the point of keeping just out of range of his guns and scouting around the edge of the board to grab the objectives at the end of the game
Eldar losing the jet bike turbo boast has hurt the way I play the army but it's made it better and a lot more thinking involved
Also another thing I found is battle focus is amazing with things like fire dragons

But now I need some guardians as jet bikes are no longer troops

Flyers starting on the board turn 1 is also good

Space Marines

List is 2000 points – 6 command points

Captain Marcus Aventus
On bike – 119
Relic blade

Librarian Nicolai Rasmus
On Bike - 135
Force axe

5 Tactical Marines – 100
Rocket Launcher
Razorback with twin assault cannons – 100

5 Tactical Marines – 100
Rocket Launcher
Razorback with twin assault cannons - 100

5 Tactical Marines – 90
Grav gun
Razorback with twin lascannon – 115

5 Scouts 55
Land Speeder storm with heavy bolter and C/Launcher – 95

5 bikers – 199
2 meltaguns
Twin bolters

5 bikers – 195
2 grav guns
Twin bolters

5 assault marines – 100

Whirlwind -124
Vengance launcher

8 Devesators marines -204
4 Rocket launchers

Storm talon – 169
Twin assault cannon & skyhammer

 Eldar list

Outriders detachment – 4 command points

Skyrunner Farseer - 161
Witchblade and twin catapult

Skyrunner Warlock – 87
Witchblade and twin catapult

10 fire dragons/with exarch – 245
Fusions guns and fire pike

6 swooping hawks - 106
Lasblaster and power sword

5 Jet bikes – 175
Scatter lasers

5 jet bikes – 175
Scatter lasers

6 jet bikes – 200
Scatter lasers

6 jet bikes – 200
Scatter lasers

Wave Serpent  - 181
Twin shuriken cannons
Twin bright lance
Spirit stone

Crimson hunter - 233
2 bright lances, pulse lance
Spirit stone

Hemlock fighter – 221
Spirit stone

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Hobby progress 1st June 2017

Start of another month and now time to start painting something that isn't a space marine
And my broadside battle suit from a pervious articles hobby progress

Took a while to decide which colour scheme to go for so went with the easy one of what paints I have the most of

Here's a WIP and still working away while watching some table top tactics reports