Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Welcome back GW

Now I'm old enough ( started playing just as 3rd Edition dropped) to remember the first GW website that wasn't just a shopping site, it had articles and forums 
This was a great place to get pro tips and some really dirty lists 
So now the are back on the net is some style, linking in with the amazing warhammer tv
Check them out at 

Deathwatch Terminators

Now this is another part of the army you can really use every little bit the GW and FW range to customise all your guys.
The kits I have used are:

1. Forge world Black Templars upgrade kit with the truly awesome storm shields
2. FW BT shoulder pads 
3. FW Minotaur shoulder pads 
4. FW Imperial fists shoulder pads 
5. Dark Angels Deathwing terminator squad box set 
6. Space wolves terminator squad - the belt fed assault Cannon is great in this set 
7. Normal SM terminator close combat squads
8. Normal SM terminator squad 

The only problem with the more you get you find you don't have any death watch shoulder pads for them, this is where I had to turn to eBay for some of the upgrade sprues as I didn't get the death watch terminator box set 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Current Deathwatch list

How I'm currently running my Deathwatch at an 1850 list

+++ DW 1850 +++

+ Command +

Watch Master with Clavis, Guardian Spear and Iron Halo

+ Core +

Watch Company
Rules: Decapitation Doctrine – This is sometime forgotten by people, I’ve started to use a small card system making sure I remember this. This doctrine always everything, let’s say that again, everything to re-roll any failed to wound and failed armour pen rolls for attacks made by the non-vehicle models from the watch company that targets  an enemy unit that includes a warlord, a psyker or IC, this is MASSIVE and in my top 5 rules from this codex. As you start to get a lot of units in the game nowadays that have characters mixed in with each other.

Watch Captain with Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol & Xenophase Blade

Aquila Kill Team

Librarian -Mastery Level 1, Melta Bombs
2x Terminator with Lightning Claws
3x Veterans with Boltgun and Chainsword
2x Veterans with Deathwatch Frag Cannon

Furor Kill Team
Librarian with Mastery Level 1, Auspex & Melta Bombs
2x Terminator Cyclone Missile Launcher, Power Fist, Storm Bolter
3x Veterans with Boltgun and Chainsword
2x Veterans with Infernus Heavy Bolter

Furor Kill Team
Librarian with mastery Level 1 and Auspex
2x Terminator with Assault Cannon & Power Fist
3x Veterans with Boltgun and Chainsword
2x Veterans with Deathwatch Frag Cannon

Veteran Squad

5x Veterans with Chainsword & Stalker Pattern Bolter
5x Veterans with Deathwatch Shotguns

This squad gets split in two using the normal marine rules

+ Auxiliary +

Corvus Blackstar with Blackstar Cluster Launcher, Ceramite Plating, Four Stormstrike Missles and Infernum Halo Launcher, Twin Linked Assault Cannon]

The corvus is where I put the small 5 man squad with shotguns in and then they fly around and jump out to shotgun people in the face when they least expect it

Friday, 18 November 2016

Deathwatch - Troops

This is where this army changes and breaks the mould from the normal space marine armies, instead of being made from just a single chapter, they call brothers from every chapter to form the squads known as 'kill teams'
These bespoke teams are aimed at only one thing and that is killing the alien.
For mine I have had to change the kit that GW produced because of the slight oversight in what is such a beautiful kit. In the kit it comes with swords looking for like power swords than the close combat weapons it says they have in the rules. Some people may confuse these two and think they whole squads have power weapons when they don't. so a lot of chopping later and a few assault squads that are now running more flamers than before and I have managed to get

The sprues you get so much in terms of weapons. But I love the two most valuable choices, the dreaded deathwatch frag cannon (sorry Blood Angels ours is better) and the super combo of heavy flamer and heavy assault bolter - the Infernus heavy bolter. But its not heavy but an assault weapon.
Then one of the crazy things about the veteran squads is, you can take 4 of heavy weapons in one squad. Not just these but a lot of the others that are available to normal marine armies, such as:

1. Heavy Bolter
2. Heavy Flamer
3. Missile launcher - can be upgraded again to take flakk missiles
4. Infernus heavy bolter
5. Frag cannon

So here are some of my squads I have worked on, enjoy

The lovely frag cannons 

Sniper squad

Squads of normal vets

A couple of vets using forge world parts from the 40K upgrade kit

Shotguns, planning on building more of these guys

Squad using chain axes and some forge world shoulder pads

Deathwatch - HQ

So first real post about my armies and how they are coming on, mainly to get motivation for myself to get on and cut the number of boxes and sprues I have.
I have always loved the idea of deathwatch and once the box set came out, I was sold and pre ordered one and had a massive smile when the full codex came out.
I have just over 2K points and I have mixed in some forge world parts and kits.
I manage to photograph the models before they went off to get painted

So Hq
The HQ models are a big mix of every random model from my bits box meaning with a quick couple of forge world parts, I had some nice HQ choices

Monday, 7 November 2016

Current projects

Current projects I'm working on:

1. White Scars - currently around 4,000 points
2. Alpha Legion (30K) - I have everything I need for this army so really need to start building, and then decide which side to fight on šŸ˜ƒ
3. Eldar - finished the army and had it pro painted - photos to follow
4. Deathwatch - small force, well around 2,000 points of what started as a smalled allied force but has come around to a full black spear strike force
5.  Project 1X1 - working on this for a while, currently away getting painted

A new start

Welcome to this blog, a place to showcase my love of a good hobby, to get some motivation to paint and hobby and get stuff done

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